how to add a local channel

Mauricio Teixeira netmask at
Tue Dec 6 14:05:13 PST 2005

Em Seg, 2005-12-05 às 19:02 -0500, Robert Martin escreveu:

> What is smart looking for when you try to add a local channel?

if you're talking about adding URPMI channels on local directories, you
have to add them one by one. You can easily do that by creating some
sort of bash loop to give smart the correct paths.

If you're talking about adding a local rpm directory (without relying on
specific repository information, like URPMI), then maybe you should take
a look at that proposed patch:

% Mauricio Teixeira (netmask)
% mteixeira{a}webset{d}net <> Maceio/AL/BR
% TI+Telecom Analyst <> Linux Specialist
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