Testing solution for freezes under Suse

Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) netmask at webset.net
Sun Nov 27 00:16:53 PST 2005

I was having the legendary 'random lock ups' on Suse this night, and I
tried something that solved the problem here, so I would like to suggest
the same test for those who are having problems.

1 - remove python-psyco, smart and smart-gui
2 - install smart and smart-gui again (but NOT python-psyco)

I suppose this could not be the issue for most of the cases, since
guru's package doesn't require psyco when installing. But I installed it
by myself and it turned out that after that smart started to hang and
freeze ramdomly, in various types of transactions. Simply disabling it
(-o psyco=0) didn't solve the problem. I had to uninstall the package.

Could anyone test it too?

(yeah, I couldn't sleep tonight) :)

% Mauricio Teixeira (netmask)
% mteixeira{a}webset{d}net <> Maceio/AL/BR
% TI+Telecom Analyst <> Linux Specialist
% http://mteixeira.webset.net <> http://pmping.sf.net
% [D0CE 6BD4 526B B7D1 6F4E  85FA A7A0 1A6F B23A A9EE]

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