[issue34] rpm-md use is VERY SLOW

Jon at Labix Tracker tracker at labix.org
Thu Oct 27 09:47:32 PDT 2005

New submission from Jon <jnelson-smartpm at jamponi.net>:

I use SuSE 9.3 and 10.0.  smart is working just peachy with the apt backends.
However, I tried to add an rpm-md backend and 'update' never completed. I gave
it over 30 minutes. This is what I ran (followed by smart --shell then 'update'):

smart channel --add suse-rpm-md-base type=rpm-md name="SuSE 10.0-OSS yum" baseurl=X

where X is one of:

messages: 81
nosy: jon
priority: bug
project: smart
status: unread
title: rpm-md use is VERY SLOW

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