Subversion accounts

Mario Đanić mario.danic at
Tue Aug 8 02:59:49 PDT 2006

username: pygi
pass: 18-/11os
On 8/7/06, Gustavo Niemeyer <gustavo at> wrote:
> Unfortunately I found out today that the web mechanism that
> creates new Subversion repositories in the server (which is
> the only way to create them in this server) will overwrite
> data inserted by hand in the htpasswd file that does access
> control, and the web-based system uses unencrypted passwords
> rather than encrypted ones.
> This means that I've just lost usernames and encrpyted
> passwords for Smart's repository, and even if I had them it
> wouldn't help much since I have to enter them in an unencrypted
> format in the web UI.
> Asking this is a bit sad, but if you had an account for commit
> access, can you please resend me your username and a new
> non-personal unencrypted password so that I can give you access
> again?  I'll try to contact the service provider to get a more
> intelligent UI in place (or allow manual fiddling of these files,
> which would be best).
> If possible, please, encrypt your message with gpg. My public
> key is attached to help in the process.
> --
> Gustavo Niemeyer

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