‘–dump’ list of packages

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Mon Dec 11 08:26:53 PST 2006

Heya! Long time no see..

> What about merging --dump with --urls?
> It appears as something very similar to me. For example,
> --dump could be implemented as --urls | sed 's at .*/@@', and
> --urls could be something like "--dump -o dump-urls=True".

It wouldn't work.. the --dump is targetted at the names you
identify packages inside Smart, while URLs are locators to
package files.

As an example, the file name may be mypackage-file.ext
while the package name/version could be pkgname-1.0. Notice that
this isn't fictious. Some distributions do have unusual naming
schemes (not what rpm is setup to produce by default, for instance).

With that in mind, I wouldn't like to mix these concepts under
the same option.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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