How to get rid of this error?

Andreas Hanke andreas.hanke at
Thu Dec 14 06:42:56 PST 2006

Basil Chupin schrieb:
> I've had this plaguing me for 3 days now:
> file /usr/lib/ from install of faac-1.25-2.0 conflicts
> with file from package
> and, of course, this conflict stops any other unrelated upgrades,
> downloaded at the same time as this faac, from being processed so I end
> up doing those other upgrades manually.
> How do I stop this faac being "upgraded"? Trying to delete this package
> also triggers the need to delete other required and used applications.
> Going around in circles here :-) .

You are using conflicting repositories.

faac comes from a different repository than libmp4v2. The problem here
is that faac likes to ship its own, private copy of
(which is evil per se).

Packman correctly removes that, but you're obviously using some other
repository that ships a broken faac. You can solve this properly by
giving the good packages a higher priority than the bad ones.

An alternative is locking, either by locking the bad faac in uninstalled
state or by locking the good one in installed state. IMHO the worse
solution, but it will work, too.

Btw. problems like these are not new; check the mailing list archives.
You can, as is well known in the archives, just use rpm-force=True if
you don't care about file conflicts.

Packman has a good faac without You can use that, but
you might have to "downgrade" to it because it has a lower release
number (as we all know, the release number isn't useful for
"older"/"newer" comparisons between different repositories)


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