0.50rc1 feedback

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Sun Dec 10 16:09:57 PST 2006

> The problem appears to be that the __index__ of a repository
> did not match the __contents__ of that repository -- 'smart'
> was trying to download package level-numbers not present in
> that repository.

Yep, that's unfortunately a common issue with mirrors and

> This points out the __absolute dependency__ of 'smart' on being
> presented with correct package information.  I do not have a
> solution to suggest -- but I *did* get completely confused when
> the result of using 'smart' was NOT what I expected to happen.

Something that helps is doing a careful mirror/repository
building in the following order:

   1. Add new files
   2. Update meta information
   3. Remove old files

That's unfortunately not dependent on Smart.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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