hang while using smart to install packages on SuSE system

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at bga.com
Thu Feb 2 23:25:25 PST 2006

There used to be a problem on SuSE (which uses an older version
of 'rpm') where 'smart --gui' would hang while performing the
install of packages it had downloaded.  This problem was supposed
to be fixed with smart version 0.41.

Just now was running smart 0.41 (for X86_64) on an AMD dual-core
x86_64 system with SuSE 10.0 (2.6.13-15.7-smp kernel).  And smart
_hung_ while performing the install of packages it had downloaded !!

Did a kill -9 on the smart process;  then started up 'smart --gui'
again.  This time it properly installed the remaining packages.


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