No Upgrades by uninstalling anything else

Michael Schueller schueller-berlin at
Sun Jul 23 00:32:01 PDT 2006

Hello List

I´m using smart on SuSE 10.1 to upgrade and install packages from 
the Distribustion Repo and from packman.
Untill the following the handling is much like apt, exept this 

Sometimes it happens that there is a new package available which 
has, at this time, broken dependance to anything else.
What smart does then is, to uninstall on ore more packages to 
install the one which is newer.

For example...

A few weeks ago there came out a new version of x264 .
To upgrade to this version smart was about to uninstall avidemux and 
In this situation apt was allways keeping back those packages, to 
keep the installation running.

So, is this a bug, or is there a way to tell smart not to uninstall 
anything for something else which is newer ?


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