How about a Smart Package Format?

Jerry Haltom wasabi at
Tue Jul 18 14:27:04 PDT 2006

Heh. So, you want 3 formats for us to bicker over?

Smart is good because it integrates into the existing formats and
doesn't attempt to use it's own... such as Auto Package.

The reason there are different formats is because people believe they
are better. You won't change that.

Also, there's no way the software smart installs could be expected to
integrate into the local system if it used a separate format.

On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 15:22 -0600, Joseph Smidt wrote:
> I really think the Smart Package Manager is a revolutionary idea.  It
> will be a great day when all linux distributions can use the same
> package manager.
>         However, different distros will continue to fight over what is
> the best package format.  .deb vs. rpm's etc..  Wouldn't be great if not
> only there was a universal package manager all distos can share, ie
> smart, but also a universal package format that is designed to work
> great with the smart package manager.
>   Isn't
> having a new package format that is revolutionary in design and works
> directly with the smart package manager which all distros would benifit
> from adopting a good idea?  Maybe it could in the future be the official
> format for LSB, again, a format revolutionary enough that all would 
> benifit from it.
>                            Joseph Smidt

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