Preparing smart 0.42

Michael Vogt mvogt at
Wed Jun 14 10:02:09 PDT 2006


I think we make good progress for 0.42, a bunch of patches have been
merged. The updated NEWS:

- yast2-channels support
- gtk interface buttons order follows the gnome HIG
- gtk interface will use new GtkFileChooser if available
- plugin added that optionally keeps the channels 
  in  sync with /etc/apt/sources.list{.d} (for apt using distros)
- rpm-log-file feature added
- lots of bugfixes (fetcher, gui, encoding issues, transient windows,
  strings, query, rpm-backend)
- translation updates

Please let me know about outstanding patches/issues that you feel
should be fixed for 0.42.


Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question. - Neo

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