useability for dummies

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at
Thu Jun 22 13:28:35 PDT 2006

> I don't understand what your definition of "transaction" is.

The same as Smart's one, I'm sure.

> on my system.  I consider this a 'list' of what has been updated
> at the repositories (and is pertinent to what I have already
> installed), *not* a 'transaction'.

You're free to consider it in any way you want. Smart handles these
as single transaction which should be applied to the system as a
unit. This won't change.

> Despite your saying "this will never happen", let me suggest that
> there are users to whom letting 'Apply' automatically (if so

I said this will never be the default behavior, and it will never be
while I'm part of the maintainers list. I said more than once that
I might implement it as an additional feature. I don't understand why
you keep arguing about this. Spend your time writing documentation
or writing the feature, if you're so excited and have so much spare

Gustavo Niemeyer

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