Smart 0.50rc1 available!

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at
Mon Nov 6 15:44:46 PST 2006

Yes, that's right.  0.50rc1 is available, and brings a number of
cool things you definitely should check out, experiment, break,
and report problems about. ;-)

This is the most exciting Smart release in quite some time.
Besides a load of bugfixes, we've got several small improvements,
and one huge feature that was being planned for a long time.

Thanks to Eran Tromer, Smart 0.50rc1 integrates changes in the
transaction algorithm which makes it able to survive massive
whole-distribution upgrades with good results, and in acceptable

No, just *that* wouldn't make Eran happy enough.. he's also changed
the way that priorities are considered by the transaction mechanism,
so that tracking individual packages from arbitrary repositories is
actually much more predictable and manageable.

In the field of not-so-huge-but-still-cute features, Mauricio Teixeira
has implemented ETA reporting during downloads for graphic and textual

What?  You're still reading!?  Go get it right now!
  MD5SUM: bd387fd07549751acda1c98745cce6bb

Special thanks to Eran and Mauricio for the great work done.

(hopefully this mail won't get into your spam traps ;-)

Gustavo Niemeyer

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