Smart / rpm hanging

Raman Gupta rocketraman at
Wed Nov 22 10:56:30 PST 2006

This is related to some earlier messages on the list re. smart hanging. 
Sorry its not threaded, I deleted the earlier messages before deciding 
to reply :-)

On my FC6 machine, I am having similar problems. I noticed today that 
rkhunter was executing rpm -q for system binaries every morning, and 
those rpm invocations sometimes hang (which of course then causes smart 
to hang as well). Of course, this was never a problem on my Fedora 
system until very recently but it lends support to the assertion that 
smart is not at fault -- there is something more fundamentally wrong 
with the new kernel/rpm system in Fedora.

By the way, I also do not use yum at all, and as far as I know have no 
scheduled yum jobs -- I prefer smart.


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