changelog information

Davodet Olivier olivier.davodet at
Sun Nov 5 09:16:26 PST 2006

Hello ,

 > 1 - Provide a patch file ('svn diff' would do the trick).
 > 2 - Explain what your patch does (if it adds a command, explain how 
to use it).
 > 3 - Point if there are any glitches or possible problems.

1 - I join the svn diff command for three files
2 - this patch adds a "Changelog" tab between "Content" and "Relations" 
tabs in the main gui.So when you click on a package name this tab shows 
the complete changelog (and you can install the package by knowing why...)
3 - I put this feature only for rpm backend

I hope that is clearer

PS : I put a screenshot
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