Files to be installed and nothing else

Andreas Bach Aaen andreas.bach.aaen at
Wed Nov 1 00:19:33 PST 2006


if you do a:

smart install --urls some_packages

Then you get a list of URLs and lot of "helping" text that you prefer not to 
have if you would like to process the output of the command above for e.g. 
mirroring the URLs to a local storage.

How do I get ask smart to provide me only with the URLs without adding text 
like: "Computing transaction.." ?

Andreas Bach Aaen              System Developer, M. Sc. 
Ericsson Danmark A/S           tel: +45 89 38 51 00
Skanderborgvej 232             fax: +45 89 38 51 01
8260 Viby J      Denmark       andreas.bach.aaen at

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