[opensuse-factory] amarok-helix

Robby (M9.) monkey9 at iae.nl
Fri Nov 17 01:15:11 PST 2006

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Pascal Bleser schreef:
> Jigish Gohil wrote:
>> On 11/15/06, Pavel Nemec <pnemec at suse.cz> wrote:
>>> Bad news, so only one player from all available on linux will play mp3 :(
>>> I am not going to install gnome stuff in order to play my mp3..... well i
>>> converted all my mp3 to ogg anyway :D

This i have to do also, or to flac, if i only found the time, maybe
around X-mas?

>> I am on 10.2 beta 2 and installed w32codecs and packman's libxine
>> packages for 10.1 on it. Amarok plays mp3 and xine plays everything.

That is true, i am feeling much more complete now...thnx for bringing it
to 102  :D
> Right, and you can also install my amarok RPMs as they include all the
> features (mysql+postgresql collection backends, MP4 tag support through
> libmp4v2):
> http://ftp.skynet.be/pub/suser-guru/rpm/packages/Sound/amarok/

I installed these, but one dependency is realplayer, which is not to be
found on packman's suse/10.2...
Skip it results in unresolved libs, it will not start-up.
I reinstalled the factory version.
(and off course libxine, slang and libcaca, which will stay installed,
if you allready have it.)
No offense ;)

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