unable to change [rpm-sys] channel's settings

snowcrash+smart schneecrash+smart at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 15:26:51 PST 2006

> Wow: You're a very special user.

to be honest, i don't know if you're being helpful or sarcastic with
that comment.  i'll simply presume the former :-)

> Disabling the rpm database is not possible in the binary packages you
> are using because there were numerous complaints from users who did
> basically the following:
> - Import copied crap channel lists with > 50 crap channels
> - Break the system by installing hundreds of crap packages
> - Wonder why the system is unstable
> - Try to fix it by randomly disabling some channels
> - Wonder what this strange [rpm-sys] channel is, disable it
> - Wonder why smart suddenly doesn't recognize system channels any more
> - Complain about the "bug"
> It seems that your use case is different. Edit /usr/lib/smart/distro.py
> and remove the code that adds the [rpm-sys] channel back.

so, are you really suggesting i do so?

is it correct to assume that -- as you've pointed out that "a" rpm-sys
channel is required -- that as long as i have MY own [rpm-sys] channel
enabled, that i'll be ok?

to disable, then, i presume i comment out all of these lines :

    # https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=199127
    sysconf.set(("channels", "rpm-sys"),
                {"alias": "rpm-sys",
                 "type": "rpm-sys",
                 "name": "RPM System"})



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