[issue254] Rewrite GTK interface using GUI builder

David Farning at Labix Tracker tracker at labix.org
Mon Nov 20 12:24:46 PST 2006

David Farning <dfarning at gmail.com> added the comment:

I am currently working on a set of gnome based interfaces for smart.  To prevent
disrupting smart development I have started it as a stand along project that
could be added onto smart.

I am working on four different views; 1 install package, 2 upgrade packages, 3
manage packages, and 4 systray applet.

1. Smart Software Installer (SSI) is just a simple install click on a package
and the installer pops up. Will look very similar to gdebi.

2. Smart Software Updater (SSU)  is a simple one click update application like
update manager.

3. Smart Package Manager (SPM) This is the most interesting one because it is a
full fledged package management interface.  I have been looking at other package
managers for a few moths tring to determine what are the most important features.

4.  Smart Package Notifier (SPN)  A simple task bar applet the notifies the user
when upgrades are available.

I have used glade in the past and have been pretty disapointed.  It is really
easy to whip something together, but i found it ackward to modify.  I'll take a
look at gazpacho.

Would you be interested in keeping the code on the smart svn under testing.


nosy: +dfarning

Labix issue tracker <tracker at labix.org>

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