[issue239] smart hanging on librpm/__memp_fget_rpmdb

John Pilkington J.Pilk at tesco.net
Wed Nov 22 02:10:34 PST 2006

> Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) <mteixeira at webset.net> added the comment:
> Is this still an issue? What version of smart/rpm?
I have not reported this to Axel, but smart (from atrpms) does 
occasionally hang for me during the final stage of the 'updating cache' 
phase.  It works again after a reboot.  This is not a really serious 
problem for me, because I reboot frequently, but it would be difficult 
in a production environment.

version is smart-0.42-39.fc5.at.i386

This has been happening for several weeks - perhaps since the 2.6.18 
kernel came in.  I don't think I can be more specific about when it 
first happened.

John Pilkington

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