[issue258] smart crashes during update

Henrik Schmidt at Labix Tracker tracker at labix.org
Fri Nov 24 06:44:02 PST 2006

Henrik Schmidt <hbs at ks.informatik.uni-kiel.de> added the comment:

> Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) <mteixeira at webset.net> added the comment:
> Apparently there was an error downloading primary.xml.gz
> Are there any other visible errors?

No. But It happened multiple times. I upgraded to 0.49 but it still crashed.

I had to change the channel baseurl and remove the source of
primary.xml.gz (ftp.suse.com) to proceed.

Neverthless an error downloading a file shouldn't cause a crash, right ?

Henrik Schmidt

Labix issue tracker <tracker at labix.org>

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