[issue257] Error message is related to the wrong file in metadata-rpm

Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) at Labix Tracker tracker at labix.org
Fri Nov 24 08:37:04 PST 2006

Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) <mteixeira at webset.net> added the comment:

I'm very sorry, but I really can't see this problem. Please forgive me.

lines = [_("Failed acquiring information for '%s':") % self,
           u"%s: %s" % (item.getURL(), item.getFailedReason())]

This only gets executed if *both* item and flitem fail. And as far as I can see,
it yelds an error about item.

Can you please post the complete output when you get the error?

Labix issue tracker <tracker at labix.org>

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