I get this error message...

Basil Chupin blchupin at tpg.com.au
Mon Oct 30 01:22:18 PST 2006

Pascal Bleser wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Basil Chupin wrote:
>> ...everytime I've tried to upgrade the packages--which is since late
>> last night:
>> Failed to download packages:
>> http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-guru/rpm/10.1/RPMS/i686/amarok-xine-1.4.4-100.guru.suse101.i686.rpm:
>> Not Found
>> How to resolve, or who to contact to resolve it, please?
> Totally unrelated to smart, it was an unlucky remote file
> synchronization issue.
> Try again, the file is there now.

True, the upgrade now completed :-) .

> If you had checked yourself (e.g. by pasting the URL in a browser or
> with curl -I (see below)), you would have noticed that the file
> effectively didn't exist (yet).
> Best method to check an URL, in a shell:
> curl -I http://.... 

Thanks, this now written into my little black book for future reference.

But.... whose cage does one rattle when something like this occurs again 
(and I don't necessarily mean in the same source/directory)? And isn't 
there some way that whoever puts up files in a directory as upgrades can 
do a dummy download before they go home for the night to make sure that 
all the files have been put up?

> BTW, if you still get the error now, then it's a bug ;)

Fortunately no bug this time 'round :-) .


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