smart installation not scriptable

Cliff Wells cliff at
Tue Dec 18 16:05:23 PST 2007

I'm trying to automate installation of virtual Fedora 8 environments.
To that end I have the following simple script:

yum -y install smart
smart update < /usr/bin/yes
smart channel --enable core updates
smart upgrade -y
smart install -y python-devel python-imaging python-psycopg2 httpd
postgresql-server django mod_python mod_ssl

The first problem I ran into was that "smart update" has no way of
automatically accepting "Y" when it's run for the first time.  It seems
to require console (keyboard) input.  I tried feeding it
from /usr/bin/yes without success.  Apparently someone has to sit there
and hit enter on the console.

Next I thought I would simply enable the two default channels (core and
updates, as seen in the script above).  Still no luck.  Smart informs me
that "core" and "updates" aren't known channels.

What can I do?  It's a shell script, so I don't mind dirty hacks.


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