An oversight that needs attention, please

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Tue Feb 27 23:06:04 PST 2007

It appears that smart has been written with a normal 4:3 monitor screen 
in mind and a widescreen monitor, with a 16:10 ratio, is not catered for.

I have a widescreen monitor and an upgrade by smart could not complete 
because files were not available at one of the channels. When this 
occurred, smart put to screen the usual error message - which took up 
the height of the full screen, but because of my widescreen monitor the 
bottom of the error message was invisible (below the bottom of the 
screen) and there was no way to click on the "OK" to close the message. 
The only recourse I could see was to go the quick CTRL-ALT-ESC route and 
kill smart and so get rid of the error message.

I know that it would probably be a PITA to do this, but couldn't a 
scrollbar be added for those occasions when the error message exceeds 
the height of the display screen?

Unless, of course, there is already a way to overcome this obstacle 
which I am not aware of in which case I would be grateful if someone 
would tell me what it is.


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