Fedora, yumsync, mirrorlist (was: Smart 1.0 is out!)

Axel Thimm Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
Mon Aug 18 02:20:04 PDT 2008

Changing the subject to reflect the subthread's content, but in line
with the original thread: Thanks for a great release!!!

On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 11:05:17PM +0200, Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Neal Becker wrote:
>> I'd like to try this on Fedora F9.  Will there be a package for this
>> (including the usual channels?)

Of course, the package is ready since a couple of days and is waiting
for the Fedora infrastructure to resurrect. Just tried committing
again a minute ago and it is still not back.

If you can't wait the src.rpm will be the same as at ATrpms, so all
you have to do is a rpmbuild --rebuild of


Please report any issues to me: you can bugzilla on
bugzilla.redhat.com (this still works) even though there is no 1.0
package there yet, thanks!

> Fedora Extras has "smart" and "fedora-package-config-smart",
> which could be updated to 1.0 (maybe even include yumsync* ?)
> * https://bugs.launchpad.net/smart/+bug/245109

Well, given Fedora's promise of "close to upstream" and some recent
issues cross-distro with packaging deviating too much from upstream
(see Debian's openssl issue) I'm hesitant to include anything that
upstream didn't consider stable enough to add to a release.

More that yumsync I'd love an approved method of adding mirrorlists -
there is


e.g. to different methods, both with pros and cons (the mirror rpmmd
option looks like it will make it through into smart's code base,
currently the only issue is that it needs two runs, which may be
confusing to the user).

And once one of the methods is adopted then yumsync would need to take
the new mirrorlists handling into account, e.g. any yumsync we add
today will be broken the day we add one of the two mirrorlists methods.

BTW do smart developers want to comment on the suggestion to currently
use the plugin method for mirrorlists to get things going while
waiting for upstream do do it proper with a release choosing whatever
method is appropriate?


The interersting thing about Rehan's suggestion is that it is not code
invasive (just some plugin code), would work today, but it would
introduce a syntax that the next smart release with any approved
mirrorlist management would most likely overthrow saddening any smart
users/repo managers on Fedora that would have started relying on it.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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