[issue350] [PLUGIN] Sync Yum channels

Rehan Khan at Labix Tracker tracker at labix.org
Mon Jun 23 11:25:17 PDT 2008

Rehan Khan <rehan.khan at dsl.pipex.com> added the comment:

Thanks for this plugin. I have got it working on f8 using the latest smart 
from svn.

I had to comment line 114 (baseurl = baseurl.splitlines()[1]) to get it to 
work without throwing an exception. (thanks afb on #smart!)

The second issue is that for each mirror it pulls in all the files. So for a 
single baseurl you might get copies of the same data over and over again. I 
guess there might be two solutions to this: delete the metadata files but keep 
the repomd file for each mirror after the data has been imported (reducing the 
storage overhead) or use the same file names for each baseurl. Just ideas. The 
first idea might be better anyway because that would work for all smart rpm 

Also if it goes to a different url for a mirror it will download the files 
again even if it hasn't changed (although i am not sure it does this every 
time but a lot of times i see this)

Livna.repo has an odd baseurl config. the line starts baseurl = (baseurl) then 
they have another baseurl on the next line and so forth for each of thier 
mirrors. Each of these is actually a mirror but it breaks the yumsync import.

The last thing is that the mirrors are imported before whatever pulls in the 
normal smart import (e.g. from /etc/smart/channels) and if your distro has 
installed soem config there it will import multiple channels which are 
basically duplicates.


btw this should go in the distribution somehow!! It is very helpful

nosy: +rasker

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