[PATCH] rpm_md Metadata vs. Mirroring

Michael Jennings mej at kainx.org
Sat Jun 14 12:08:42 PDT 2008

On Friday, 13 June 2008, at 12:45:37 (-0700),
Cliff Wells wrote:

> And if the primary server isn't available will it fall back to a
> mirror?  I've not had too many issues with Fedora proper, but I've
> seen freshrpms down many times (while its mirrors are available).

No, but then that wouldn't make much sense anyway.  If the primary is
unavailable, the mirrors can't receive updated metadata from it.  And
packages are still installed from mirrors, so that's not an issue.

Fedora's new no-master mirroring scheme doesn't really mesh with
smart's idea of mirrors which are substring replacements for a master
URL, so I'm not sure what the right answer would be in that scenario.
That's probably better addressed by Gustavo.

> I'll be glad to test it out, thanks for the work!

Let me know how it goes.  It's been quite successful for me so
far. :-)


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <mej at kainx.org>
Linux Server/Cluster Admin, LBL.gov       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
 "Was your bad playing today due to ignorance or apathy?"  "I don't
  know, and I don't care."     -- Frank Layden and Jeff Wilkins, Utah
                                  Jazz Coach and Forward, respectively

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