Distributions going smart & bugfixes?

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Mon Jan 5 07:06:45 PST 2009

> Depends on what release you want, "bugfix" was supposed to be
> the minor revision (e.g. 1.1.2) and "testing" the major (1.2)

Anders, we discussed this a few times already, and we can schedule a
call if you still didn't get the idea behind it.  The way to get new
releases of Smart out isn't by creating standalone branches and
merging things on them.  We need to get branches or patches ready for
merges, then reviewing them, then merging them on trunk, and releasing
trunk as the next stable.

Merging several patches in the same branch makes the review process
hard since all the fixes get mixed on a single bucket, and isolating
which changes are tested and ok to merge and which ones need merging
is hard.

That said, creating branches for merging several changes in and
testing things off is definitely nice.  It's just that we can't say
that a non-trunk branch *is* a release, since things can go in or not.

> There were too many bugs pending, so I divided them up a little
> so that it would be easier to merge them into trunk for release.

Nice, thanks for doing so.

> That is the purpose of the branch, yes. It also had the support
> for Python 2.6, that is needed by Fedora 11 and openSUSE 11.1...

Let's get these issues reviewed and merged into trunk.

Btw, have you heard from Mauricio (netmask) about the previous round of reviews?

Gustavo Niemeyer

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