Bug in Smart

Rocco Orlando Rossi rocco.rossi at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 14:08:10 PST 2009

Found a small bug in smartpm.

File: apt_deb.py in the smart/channels directory.

Line: 220

Here's the old buggy code:

for component in self._comps:
                item = self._enqueuePackages(fetcher, md5sum, component)
                if item:
                    iface.warning(_("Component '%s' is not in Release file "
                                    "for channel '%s'") % (comp, self))

There's no such thing as comp in the last line. Changed it to component as
it should be:

for component in self._comps:
                item = self._enqueuePackages(fetcher, md5sum, component)
                if item:
                    iface.warning(_("Component '%s' is not in Release file "
                                    "for channel '%s'") % (component, self))

That's all.

Keep up the great work.

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