unclear error message after adding a channel

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at bga.com
Fri Dec 23 20:02:30 PST 2005

Using smart --gui 0.41 on SuSE 10.0

I used the gui Edit -> Channels -> New to add apt channel.
When I tried to update the channels, a log window opened:
  warning: Component 'alias' is not in release file for
  channel 'name'.

Turned out that in entering the 'Components:' field I had
made a mistake in my typing.  But the above error message
did NOT clue me in that the problem was smart not finding
the file 'base/release.COMPONENT' in the apt repository.

If smart could copy the channel 'Name:' field text (which
is not unique!) to the error message, why could it not
print out the __actual__ "release file name" that it had
trouble with ?


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