Documentation about plugins?

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at
Wed Aug 2 07:03:50 PDT 2006

> I'd like to write a plugin that depending on the operation (upgrade vs
> install), the set of installed and to be installed packages will mark
> additional packages for installation. For example:
> o Installing kernel ABC2 while for another kernel ABC1 there is a
>   kernel module package foo-kmdl-ABC1 installed try to install
>   foo-kmdl-ABC2
> o Upgrading should check whether some kernels don't have matching
>   foo-kmdl-XYZ and if these exist in a repo somewhere they should be
>   marked for installation
> Is this possible with the current plugin design? Any
> pointers/examples?

It is supported well by the plugin design, but the hooks for these
specific operations aren't there. We can of course add them.

Do you need something now (e.g. a patch) or are you currently
just thinking about something you could do?

Gustavo Niemeyer

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