removing *all* mirrors?

snowcrash+smart schneecrash+smart at
Mon Dec 11 09:11:05 PST 2006

> Smart uses the EDITOR environment variable by default,

yes, that's what i understand.

and why i've set the var in my .login.

that's what it's reporting (echo $EDITOR), per msg above.

> If you're getting vi, the process doesn't have the environment
> set correctly (maybe you're using sudo, or whatever).
> You can check that by investigating the /proc/<pid>/environ entry
> for the smart process.

ok. i admit it. i'm confused.

the var *is* set.

    echo $EDITOR

reports it correctly, no?

fwiw, i'm ssh'd in as root to the box -- no sudo involved.

the same behavior is seen in konsole login to root at shell

yet, as you've suggested loooking,

  /root# ps ax | grep smart
   3901 pts/1    S+     0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/smart mirror --edit
   3910 pts/2    R+     0:00 grep smart

  /root# cat /proc/3901/environ | grep -i editor
  /root# cat /proc/3901/environ | grep -i joe
  /root# cat /proc/3901/environ | grep -i /vi

thanks for your help.

p.s. if would be nice to be able to pass the editor as a param to the
smart cmd, e.g.

   smart mirror --edit

would use the DEFAULT editor (once i fidure out how to do that correctly!)

and, e.g.,

   smart mirror --edit=/usr/bin/joe

would open/edit the file w/ 'joe'.

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