‘–dump’ list of packages

Ademar de Souza Reis Jr. ademar at mandriva.com
Mon Dec 11 07:23:57 PST 2006

Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) wrote:
> Em Seg, 2006-12-11 às 12:05 -0300, Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) escreveu:
>>> --urls could be something like "--dump -o dump-urls=True".
>> Makes sense to me.
> On a second thought, not. It would add complexity to something that is
> already so simple. Same case as using --urls with sed.
> Makes sense, but not practical. :)

These were just examples. My idea was to avoid several
switches that do mostly the same thing. Specially
if the implementation behind the two switches is
different (are they?).

Maybe it's just a matter of reviewing --urls and making
sure it's consistent (for example, it's accepted at
'smart remove').

  - Ademar

Ademar de Souza Reis Jr.
Mandriva Conectiva - http://www.mandriva.com.br


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