Questions about mirrors and configuration

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at
Tue Jan 31 18:38:01 PST 2006

> Thank you for that pointer, since I don't use up2date I hadn't looked
> at that channel type.

That file format was originally supported by up2date, and is something
only available in channels provided by RedHat (and not a general
rpm-metadata thing, as one might belive).

> However, from your example and from the help text in smart I'm not
> really seeing how the list of mirrors that would be obtained from the
> mirror url would be associated with either another channel or a
> baseurl.  Forgive me if I'm being obtuse, but am I missing something
> obvious?

If you look closely at the mirror file, you'll notice that the first
entry in the file is the URL at the fedora site:$ARCH/os/

That's considered to be the origin URL, and everything else is
considered as mirrors. Use the URL above (with macros replaced)
to define your channel and you'll get the mirror support for free.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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