[issue176] cd channel

jon at Labix Tracker tracker at labix.org
Sat Jun 17 02:39:39 PDT 2006

New submission from jon <linux.learner at gmail.com>:

I had some one ask me about this, and think they have a valid idea.

"YaST pops up a window that says "Insert CD 2" or "Insert CD 5", if they are
needed. When Smart is looking for a package located on CD 5, it says, "Insert
[whatever you named the channel that uses CD #1 as the source]". One has no way
of knowing which CD to insert, because to Smart, CD's #2-5 are part of the same
channel, and is not.... smart... enough to differentiate between them."

messages: 565
nosy: linux_learner
priority: wish
project: smart
status: unread
title: cd channel

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