[issue179] wrong translation files handling in setup.py

David Farning at Labix Tracker tracker at labix.org
Thu Nov 16 16:00:30 PST 2006

David Farning <dfarning at gmail.com> added the comment:

Any python i18n gurus around?

The .mo's don't seem to be built on the fly.  I was wondering if there needs to
be a mo section in Makefile such as the following.

# Generate mo files for all available po files:
	for po in *.po; do\
		lingua=`basename $$po .po`; \
		install -d $(MO_DIR)/$$lingua/LC_MESSAGES/ ; \
		msgfmt -o $(MO_DIR)/$$lingua/LC_MESSAGES/$(DOMAIN).mo $$po ;\
all:  mo

This way the .mo's don't need to stored in svn.  I'll put together a patch tomorrow.


nosy: +dfarning
status: unread -> chatting

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