gdebi like interface using the smart engine

David Farning dfarning at
Sat Nov 18 16:34:01 PST 2006

I am working on making a gdebi[1] like interface for smart. The gui part
was pretty straight forward, but now I am trying to figure out how to
extract information from the local file.

It looks like I will be able to modify the install command to handle the
install pretty easily.  But, when I run smart info <localfile> I get the
following error. 

dfarning at dfarning-laptop:~/Desktop$ smart info ./acct_6.3.99
Loading cache...
Updating cache...               ########################################

error: './acct_6.3.99+6.4pre1-4ubuntu1_i386.deb' matches no packages.
error:     acct_6.3.99+6.4pre1-4ubuntu1



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