bash completion + check translations + es_ES

Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) netmask at
Sun Nov 19 11:40:09 PST 2006

It's always nice to have a productive sunday. :)

I've made some modifications to Smart on SVN r813 that I think some
people might be interested.

Added the file 'contrib/'. It's a bit ugly and slower
than I wanted to, but it works very nice since it completes options,
action commands and even options from the action commands. It was fun to
write it.

I've added 'check-po' into Makefile so it would give statistics about
missing translations on the 'po' files. If someone wants to use it to
update the 'po' files, you're welcome to contribute.

And last, but not the least, thanks to Raúl Moratalla we now have es_ES


* locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/smart.po
- added es_ES translation
  (thanks Raúl Moratalla <raul.moratalla{AT}>)

* contrib/
- added bash command completion script

* Makefile
- more verbose output of 'update-po'
- added 'check-po' macro (stats about missing translations)

% Mauricio Teixeira (netmask)
% mteixeira{a}webset{d}net <> Maceio/AL/BR
% <>

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