Smart 0.50rc1 available!

Andreas Hanke andreas.hanke at
Wed Nov 8 07:52:39 PST 2006

Robby (M9.) schrieb:
> In this case, the other installs are indeed removed, and the newly
> 0.50rc1beta is installed, on SuSE10.2Beta1+x86_64.
> After that it can not be invoked:
>> monkey9 at tribal-sfn2:~> smart
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/usr/bin/smart", line 27, in <module>
>>     from smart import init, initDistro, initPlugins, initPsyco
>> ImportError: No module named smart
>> monkey9 at tribal-sfn2:~> smart-beta
>> bash: smart-beta: command not found
>> monkey9 at tribal-sfn2:~>

Robby, can you please just read what people write and, in doubt, stop
using openSUSE 10.2 Beta if you can't accept that there are no external
packages for it?

Once again: This is _not_ a package for openSUSE 10.2. It does _not_ work.

Earlier distros had Python 2.4, with modules installed in
/usr/lib64/python2.4. openSUSE 10.2 has Python 2.5 which expects the
modules in /usr/lib64/python2.5.

By using this wrong package, the module can of course not be found
because it does not match the Python version. And no, moving the files
to their new place does not work either because the modules are not
binary compatible.

So please, you have been told multiple times that you need 100% fresh
and clean packages for a new distribution and that packages for old
distros won't work.

Beta testers must accept this or better not try to be a beta tester.
What you are experiencing here is not an error. Just wait until openSUSE
10.2 goes Gold: 4 weeks.

> Is it meant to do this?
> (i did not think so)

Yes, this behaviour is absolutely expected.


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