sudden problem

Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) netmask at
Wed Nov 22 06:17:57 PST 2006

Em Qua, 2006-11-22 às 10:05 +0100, J.L. Blom escreveu:

> EOFError: compressed file ended before the logical end-of-stream was
> detected

It is possible that:

a) The file got corrupted after it has been downloaded.
b) You have an error reading the compressed file.

Either way it could be caused by a filesystem error.

Can you try 'bunzip2 -t' in every bz2 file you have
on /var/lib/smart/channels?

% Mauricio Teixeira (netmask)
% mteixeira{a}webset{d}net <> Maceio/AL/BR
% <>

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