loading the ifacepath at load time

Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) netmask at webset.net
Thu Nov 23 04:10:07 PST 2006

Em Qua, 2006-11-22 às 15:10 -0600, David Farning escreveu:

>   One problem I am having is passing my interface class in at run time
> because the iface path is hardcoded to 'smart.interfaces' in

Why not just dropping your interface implementation inside the current
path? IMHO it gets better organized like that.

% Mauricio Teixeira (netmask)
% mteixeira{a}webset{d}net <> Maceio/AL/BR
% http://mteixeira.webset.net <> http://pmping.sf.net

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