[issue237] smart hangs when upgrading the whole system

ittay at Labix Tracker tracker at labix.org
Thu Oct 26 02:54:14 PDT 2006

New submission from ittay <ittay.dror at gmail.com>:

i'm running fedora core 4, with some external packages (dag, atrpm, livne).

i've added redhat's core & extras repositories and tried 
 > smart upgrade --stepped --explain
Loading cache...
Updating cache...                     
#################################################### [100%]

Computing transaction...

and there it hangs.

i have version 0.42

messages: 818
nosy: ittayd
priority: bug
project: smart
status: unread
title: smart hangs when upgrading the whole system

Labix issue tracker <tracker at labix.org>

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