New Smart GUI

Patryk Zawadzki patrys at
Thu Aug 2 08:14:12 PDT 2007

On 8/2/07, linux_learner <linux.learner at> wrote:
> Currently, the only way to do configurations in smart, is from the command
> line. I wish to make this more intuitive.

Still, this belongs to Edit / Preferences like the rest of the world has it.

> As far as the menu, I just renamed it, and clustered like things together.

Didn't check the menu.

> As far as the tabbed boxes, again, that's to make things a bit more
> intuitive. So there would be 2 ways. From the menu, or from the tabbed
> boxes.

Haven't seen an application where configuration is a tab in the main
window. Doesn't make much sense to me. An average man in the street
does not want to know about configuration. It's the admin's job to
configure software and exposing configuration in the main window does
everything but enchances the GUI.

See HIG guidelines.

Patryk Zawadzki
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