smart installation not scriptable

Cliff Wells cliff at
Tue Dec 18 21:37:52 PST 2007

On Wed, 2007-12-19 at 13:34 +0900, Gavin Chester wrote:

> There really is HUGE advantage, imho, to having the channels added
> automatically for a given distro after installing smart. Adding selected
> channels afterwards is an extra step that would defeat the purpose of
> you having an automated install of smart :-/ So, sounds to me like you
> need to hack the script that invokes the channel adding so that it is
> NOT interactive but done automatically at first-time run. How you do
> that I don't know, but the developers may point you in the right
> direction when they have time to follow the thread - or you could trawl
> thru' the code for clues 8-)

I completely agree.  Nevertheless if -y doesn't work in this case then I
am forced into a work-around.  I'll probably take a look at the source
and see if I can't work up a patch.  I'm sure it's fairly trivial.  But
I'm also fairly sure I won't see it show up in the default Fedora
repositories soon enough to be useful either ;-)


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