[issue270] "Smart update" inside the shell causes wrong percent display

aki at Labix Tracker tracker at labix.org
Tue Jan 2 02:40:23 PST 2007

New submission from aki <szotsaki at gmail.com>:

I use smart-0.49.1-40.guru.suse102 package on my openSUSE 10.2 Linux.
I have 18 channels plus one rpm-sys.

When I start the smart (smart --shell) and then type update, smart 
starts to update but after about 60% it stops.
I know all of my channels were updated but it's a bit annoying that 
the percentage display shows only maximum 60-65% and then suddenly 
jumps to 100%.

messages: 1057
nosy: szotsaki
priority: bug
project: smart
status: unread
title: "Smart update" inside the shell causes wrong percent display

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