question on "smart upgrade --dump"

Werner Flamme werner.flamme at
Tue Jan 23 01:43:07 PST 2007


I welcome the --dump option for install und upgrade, but it seems to be a 
little misleading:

Output 1:
rz36:~ # smart upgrade --dump
Loading cache...
Updating cache... 
#################################################################### [100%]

Computing transaction...

acroread-7.0.9-2.1 at i586
MozillaFirefox- at x86_64
MozillaFirefox-translations- at x86_64 at x86_64
mozilla-nspr-4.6.5-2.1 at x86_64
mozilla-nss-3.11.5-3.1 at x86_64
seamonkey-1.1-11.2 at x86_64
seamonkey-dom-inspector-1.1-11.2 at x86_64
seamonkey-mail-1.1-11.2 at x86_64
seamonkey-spellchecker-1.1-11.2 at x86_64
seamonkey-venkman-1.1-11.2 at x86_64
smb4k-0.8.0-2.1 at x86_64
valgrind-3.2.2-2.1 at x86_64
Saving cache...

OK, so 13 packages will be upgraded. And now output 2:
rz36:~ # smart upgrade
Loading cache...
Updating cache... 

Computing transaction...

Upgrading packages (13):
   MozillaFirefox               libgpod                      seamonkey 
                seamonkey-spellchecker       valgrind
   MozillaFirefox-translations  mozilla-nspr 
seamonkey-dom-inspector      seamonkey-venkman
   acroread                     mozilla-nss                  seamonkey-mail 

Downgrading packages (154):
   JBidWatcher                         kdebase3 
koffice-illustration                myldapklient
   abiword                             kdebase3-extra 
koffice-presentation                mysql
   alsa                                kdebase3-kdm 
koffice-spreadsheet                 mysql-Max
   amarok                              kdebindings3 
koffice-wordprocessing              nautilus
   amarok-arts                         kdebindings3-perl 
konserve                            openobex
   amarok-gstreamer                    kdegames3 
krecord                             openssh
   amarok-gstreamer                    kdegames3-arcade 
ksudoku                             p7zip
   amarok-helix                        kdegames3-board 
kwatch                              perl-Curses-UI
   amarok-helix                        kdegames3-card 
lame                                perl-spamassassin
   amarok-helix-backend                kdegames3-tactic 
ldapsmb                             perl-tunepimp
   amarok-xine                         kdegraphics3 
libbonobo                           poppler
   arts                                kdegraphics3-imaging 
libbonobo-devel                     poppler-glib
   bmp                                 kdegraphics3-pdf 
libcdaudio                          poppler-qt
   build                               kdegraphics3-scan 
libexiv2                            postgresql-devel
   cairo                               kdegraphics3-tex 
libgda                              postgresql-libs
   cairo-devel                         kdelibs3 
libgnomecups                        pwmanager
   ccd2iso                             kdemultimedia3 
libgnomecups-devel                  python-ctypes
   cifs-mount                          kdemultimedia3-CD 
libgnomeprint                       python-smbpasswd
   coreutils                           kdemultimedia3-arts 
libgnomeprintui                     qt
   cups                                kdemultimedia3-extra 
libgnomesu                          qt3
   cups-client                         kdemultimedia3-mad 
libgsf                              samba
   curl                                kdemultimedia3-mixer 
libgsf-gnome                        samba-client
   evolution-data-server               kdemultimedia3-sound 
libifp                              samba-winbind
   evolution-webcal                    kdemultimedia3-video 
libkexif                            sane
   filelight                           kdemultimedia3-video-xine 
libkipi                             scribus
   flash-player                        kdenetwork3 
libpixman                           spamassassin
   freetype2                           kdenetwork3-InstantMessenger 
libpixman-devel                     stunnel
   freetype2-devel                     kdesdk3 
librsvg                             tomboy
   gdk-pixbuf                          kdetv 
libsmbclient                        w3m
   gimp                                kdirstat 
libsmbclient-devel                  wine
   gnome-panel                         kdissert 
libtunepimp                         xine-extra
   gnome-vfs2                          kim 
libwnck                             xine-lib
   grip                                kim-plugins 
libwnck-devel                       xine-lib
   gzip                                kio-locate 
libxml2                             xine-ui
   hk_classes                          kipi-plugins 
libxml2-devel                       xmms
   imlib2-loaders                      knemo 
libxml2-python                      xmms-lib
   k3b                                 koffice 
licq                                yast2-packagemanager
   kaffeine                            koffice-database                    mad
   kchmviewer                          koffice-extra 

Installing packages (14):
   alsa            cups-libs       hk_classes      k3b             kdelibs3 
        libtunepimp     openslp
   arts            curl            jdic            kdebase3 
libmusicbrainz  mozilla         qt3

Removing packages (9):
   codeine                 gxine                   hk_classes-odbc 
libwpd                  libxine1-dvb
   gsf-sharp               gxine-browser-plugin    kaffeine-mozilla 

449.8MB of package files are needed. 57.0MB will be used.

Well, I do not know why smart suddenly wants to downgrade or remove 163 
packages plus add 14 new packages (those "new" packages are in the list of 
packages to be downgraded). The packages that have noting to do with the 13 
packages to upgrade (except that they are installed on my machine, too 
;-)). To prove this:

output 3:
smart install acroread-7.0.9-2.1 at i586 MozillaFirefox- at x86_64 
MozillaFirefox-translations- at x86_64 at x86_64 at x86_64 mozilla-nspr-4.6.5-2.1 at x86_64 
mozilla-nss-3.11.5-3.1 at x86_64 seamonkey-1.1-11.2 at x86_64 
seamonkey-dom-inspector-1.1-11.2 at x86_64 
seamonkey-dom-inspector-1.1-11.2 at x86_64 seamonkey-mail-1.1-11.2 at x86_64 
seamonkey-spellchecker-1.1-11.2 at x86_64 seamonkey-venkman-1.1-11.2 at x86_64 
smb4k-0.8.0-2.1 at x86_64 valgrind-3.2.2-2.1 at x86_64
Loading cache...
Updating cache... 
#################################################################### [100%]

Computing transaction...

Upgrading packages (13):
   acroread-7.0.9-2.1 at i586 
seamonkey-dom-inspector-1.1-11.2 at x86_64
   MozillaFirefox- at x86_64 
seamonkey-mail-1.1-11.2 at x86_64
   MozillaFirefox-translations- at x86_64 
seamonkey-spellchecker-1.1-11.2 at x86_64 at x86_64 
seamonkey-venkman-1.1-11.2 at x86_64
   mozilla-nspr-4.6.5-2.1 at x86_64 
smb4k-0.8.0-2.1 at x86_64
   mozilla-nss-3.11.5-3.1 at x86_64 
valgrind-3.2.2-2.1 at x86_64
   seamonkey-1.1-11.2 at x86_64

99.7MB of package files are needed. 1.4MB will be used.

The given packages install fine without the need to uninstall or downgrade 
any other package.

What is the difference between "smart upgrade" and "smart install ..." 
(where "..." means the list of the packages that is shown with "smart 
upgrade --dump")?

BTW, using "smart --gui", selecting "View -> Hide non-upgrades" and 
selecting the packages one by one to "upgrade" does not cause this bulk of 


Werner Flamme, Abt. WKDV
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15 - 04318 Leipzig
Tel.: (0341) 235-3921 - Fax (0341) 235-453921 - eMail: werner.flamme at

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