Development and pending features

Anders F Björklund afb at
Tue Aug 12 06:08:41 PDT 2008

12 aug 2008 kl. 14.54 skrev Gustavo Niemeyer:

>> Hmm, I remembered that another reason for a separate tab
>> was that text items are rendered with white background...
>> I've now set it to the same as the other labels, but it
>> is rendered in a slightly different grey and looks bad.
> I don't get the issue entirely.  Why would it be different to render
> it on its own tab?  Can we fix the color?

Well, the other tab had a white background so it was no problem :-)

I'm sure it can be fixed, I only tried setting it to the same:

         style = sw.get_style()
         bgcolor =[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]

         self._reftv = gtk.TextView()
         self._reftv.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, bgcolor)

But that gives a slightly different grey color than the background.


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