future of smart

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Thu Jun 12 12:06:03 PDT 2008

Hey Grant,

> The problem is I have several hundred airplane mechanics using Smart that
> don't understand why it's "broken". These folks like to submit tech support
> tickets when something doesn't work. Let's face it if something isn't
> functional (never stop upgrading/downgrading) then in most peoples eyes it's
> dysfunctional no matter what the reason. My standard answer now is "wait and
> try it tomorrow". Unfortunately these machines are transient and travel all
> over the world so there may only be a limited number of times where they
> have the opportunity to update all their packages.

I feel your pain.  It actually shouldn't be hard to solve that issue. 
What's needed is checking that the upgrade relation isn't bidirectional
before considering the upgrade valid.  I'll try to find some time to look
at this when possible.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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