On openSUSE Factory

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Sun Nov 2 11:02:16 PST 2008

Hello Felix,

> Where's the right place to report and track these bugs? Smart's incompetence
> in fetching is really annoying. Virtually every download batch includes at
> least one failed file, md5 deprecation warning, either one or more server
> reports bad size, one or more timed out, one or more package/file conflicts,
> one or more name or service unknown messages, or one or more (bad/invalid
> format/protocol?) messages. With --stepped, a whole upgrade gets aborted

It really depends on what you want to report.  Several people already
gave you advices about possible locations, depending on what you're
reporting.  Error in sizes, timeouts, etc, should really be reported
to whoever is hosting the servers you're downloading from and/or the
people responsible for deploying the mirrors.  Package/file conflicts
is about packaging, so should be reported to whoever is doing that.
The md5 deprecation warning means you're using a newer Python, and
that's something that should be fixed in Smart itself, so this list
and/or Launchpad are good enough.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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